[PDF] PeerEnergyCloud–Trading Renewable Energies
J Frey, B Brandherm, J Baus - 2012
... To avoid this either producers have to be shutdown or addi- tional consumers have to be switched on automatically to achieve a so-called load balance. ... The curve of the load balance shows many big peaks in both direc- tions.
D Groen, J Hetherington, HB Carver, RW Nash… - arXiv preprint arXiv: …, 2012
... HemeLB is optimized for calculation load balance and we find an imbalance of 16 Page 17.100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06 1e+07 ... The ParMETIS domain distribution algorithm co-optimizes for both calculation load balance and communication minimization
[PDF] An FMM Based on Dual Tree Traversal for Many-core Architectures
R Yokota - arXiv preprint arXiv:1209.3516, 2012
... [21] used CHARMM++ to dynamically load-balance on large scale heterogenous environments, obtaining large gains by task aggregation and memory pooling, in their code ChaNGa3. These efforts to provide an alternative to bulk-synchronous communication models could ...
Referral processing and tracking system
C Brunet, MS Goldberg, A Kohn, J Libin - US Patent 8,271,326, 2012
... referred. 13. The system of claim 1, the processor further configured to process by making an auto assignment of at least one submitted referral based on a load balance of multiple agents associated with the service provider. 14.
Performance study of matrix computations using multi-core programming tools
PD Michailidis, KG Margaritis - Proceedings of the Fifth Balkan Conference in …, 2012
... the resulting algorithm. In order to have a good load balance we use a simple data partitioning technique involves parti- tioning the data such that each thread works concurrently on an local part of the data. More specifically
Cross-region data access in partitioned framework
NK Peddy, CC Krueger, MJ Mccann, S Subramaniam… - US Patent 8,271,468, 2012
... 1, 1, 3, 1. 2, 2, 4, 0. 3, 2, 5, 0. 4, 1, 1, 0. In one embodiment, when a new data partition is added to the data store system, existing buckets may be reassigned (or redistributed) to the data partitions in order to distribute load balance among the data partitions.
[PDF] Economic COP Optimization of a Heat Pump with Hierarchical Model Predictive Control
F Tahersima, J Stoustrup, H Rasmussen, SA Meybodi
... The proposed control strategy is a leap forward towards balanced load control in Smart Grids where individual heat pumps in detached houses contribute to preserve load balance through intelligent electricity pricing policies.
[PDF] Monitoring and Resource Management in P2P GRID-based Web Services
D Laouni, M Rachida
... To estimate the current load Charc, VG speed, capacity and GC Texe_m group G; - Calculate the standard deviation � G = ÎĽ. - load balance with decision making and the saturation test Transfer tasks to be performed. - Send load information of other G SN grid (inter-cluster)
AA Atayero, MK Luka, AA Alatishe
... ( ) 2 ( ( ) )2 (9) Where is the number of cells in the network (used for simulation) and t is the simulation time. The load balance index takes the value in the interval 1 ,1 . A larger value of indicates a more balanced load distribution among the cells.
[PDF] HAT: Heterogeneous Adaptive Throttling for On-Chip Networks
KKW Chang, R Ausavarungnirun, C Fallin, O Mutlu
Page 1. HAT: Heterogeneous Adaptive Throttling for On-Chip Networks Kevin Kai-Wei Chang, Rachata usavarungnirun, Chris Fallin, Onur Mutlu Carnegie Mellon University {kevincha,rachata,cfallin,onur}@cmu.edu